2020 COVID-19 Global Central Fund Project
With funding from Save the Children, Juzoor conducted activities to mitigate the spread of the virus, raise awareness, and strengthen the government’s approach to COVID-19 awareness and community preparedness by conducting direct community outreach. Below is a highlight of the activities conducted in 2020 under this project:
Community Mobilizers - Direct Community Outreach in Jordan Valley, Tubas, Hebron and Bethlehem
Selection Process: Juzoor selected 20 qualified community mobilizer to conduct field work, connect with people at home and provide support mainly vulnerable diabetic patients, pregnant women, lactating women, postpartum women, children, and elderly.
Awareness Training: The community mobilizers received awareness training on how to protect themselves and others from the virus.
Infection Prevention and Control: Juzoor’s team provided an online refresher course for the 20 community mobilizers. They received virtual capacity building trainings on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Hygiene, Critical Care Course, Ethics, and other essential American Heart Association emergency courses. The mobilizers also received training on how to deal with pregnant women and postnatal care.
Safeguarding: The community mobilizers received a training on safeguarding to ensure that they have the skills they need in order to be able to provide a service that protects children and adults. The training also provides information on how to identify cases who have experienced harm in the form of violence, abuse, sexual harassment, neglect, or exploitation. This is a mandatory training provided by Save the Children.
Protocol: A protocol manual was developed to assist the community mobilizers which includes basic nursing skills to ensure quality and safe visits before, during and after the home visits.
Home-Visit Form: To manage the visits, a form was developed to keep record of the visits, beneficiary status, condition, needs and referred cases.
Hygiene Kits:Juzoor’s staff conducted field visits to Jordan Valley, Tubas, Hebron and Bethlehem governorates to distribute the home-visit hygiene kit to the community mobilizers. Additionally, Juzoor’s staff conducted a refresher training on how to use the equipment in the kits.
Daily Communications: The community mobilizers provided a daily report with updates in a group chatroom for Juzoor’s coordinator to keep record.
Networking & Advocating: Juzoor has been networking with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development, different governorates, CBOs, Protection and Emergency Networks in order to facilitate Juzoor’s visits to MoH clinics and CBOs to collect contact information and statistics of the persons in need of support.