Masarouna is a five-year regional program that is implemented by the Masarouna consortium –


The program aims to mobilize the power of young people (YP), aged 18-35, for collective action

in MENA to support their fight for greater freedom of choice and respect for their SRHR through

new and innovative pathways for change and support their work for greater freedom of choice

and respect for their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.  The project will work on

strengthening youth engagement in civil society towards influencing decision-makers and society

to address inadequate legislation and harmful traditional norms that affect their SRHR.

Additionally, the project will work on strengthening civil society and the formation of new

partnerships and alliances to lobby and advocate for SRHR and open up space for their



Pathway 1: Lobby and advocacy with young people  (YP) for their SRHR

Long-term outcome 1: Decision-makers have formulated (and implemented where possible)

policies, and/or removed/amended harmful policies, to enable young people to enjoy their SRHR.

Intermediate outcomes

1.1 Decision-makers demonstrate greater accountability, responsiveness and awareness around more inclusive youth-friendly SRHR.

1.2 Young people increasingly engage in advocacy efforts for policy and practice changes on SRHR.

1.3 Social norms have shifted (including among public and private actors) for more support on SRHR needs and issues of YP.

Early Outcomes

1. YP and civil society are capacitated to advocate for safe, adequate and inclusive SRHR information and services.

2. YP have increased knowledge and skills to claim their SRHR.

3. Public awareness of the importance of SRHR for YP is enhanced.

This research will work towards the first pathway.



Considering the amount of time that people spend at work, it makes sense that the workplace

should provide information, education and services relating to sexual and reproductive health

(SRH). Sexual health is “a personal sense of wellbeing, including the absence of disease,

infections, or illness associated with sexual behavior”. Reproductive health refers to “a state of

complete physical, mental, intellectual and social well-being and not merely the absence of

disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and

processes”. Sexual and reproductive health issues have a direct influence on men’s and women’s sexual and reproductive health. In addition, some of these issues, such as infertility, sexuality can also result

in experiences of stigma and discrimination. They can also lead to decreased productivity at work.


The overall objective of this research is to identify the gaps and priorities on SRHR policies within the Palestinian Ministries and organizations. Moreover, the study will also look at the perception and knowledge of the employees on these policies. The study will aim to focus on specific SRHR policies including maternity leave, breastfeeding hours, paternity leave, sexual harassment policy, whistleblowing policy and cyberbullying and cyber-safety.

Training for young journalistss