Bridging to Family Health in Palestine – The delivery of the Transitional Training Programme for Family Health in Primary Care Centers (PHCCs)
Juzoor for Social and Health Development in cooperation with Medical Aid of Palestine (MAP) & the Foundation of Family Medicine in Palestine (FFMP) with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) the partners will address the Palestinian health system by strengthening and training (MOH) staff through the reinforcement of the PHC system according to the family medicine approach. The United Nations for Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA ) as the second Health Care provider in Palestine will be part of the implementation of this project.
The core objective of this program is to make a significant contribution to the efforts of the Ministry of Health MoH and UNRWA to support and enable the PHC staff to function effectively as a team, providing integrated holistic and community-oriented health care to the population in Palestine and to convert the health system to Family Medicine (Health) approach, that will be an essential benchmark in the long pathway of the MOH and UNRWA National strategy of achieving Universal Health Coverage.