Promoting Elderly People's Rights, Social Inclusion and Healthy Aging in Palestine.

With funding from Caritas Germany the Project Objective is to “Enhance elderly people’s realization of their rights and enjoying healthy aging”. 


  • Outcome 1:   “Improved national policies for a better enabling environment for the elderly people in Palestine”. This outcome addresses the key problem of poor/ inadequate public policies and their unresponsiveness to needs of the development requirements of the elderly sector in Palestine. To this end, this outcome will be achieved through the combined effects of it three outputs; Output 1.1: Elderly Coalition (EC) is institutionalized to play active role in advocating for more conducive policies for elderly people, Output 1.2: Evidence-based diagnosis of the status of healthy aging of elderly people in Palestine is established and Output 1.3: Advocacy and lobbying activities are implemented effectively by the EC toward changing policies for the benefit of elderly people.
  • Outcome 2Improved healthy aging services in Palestine”. This outcome is focused on addressing the weak and inadequate home care and healthy aging services to elderly people in the targeted areas. This outcome will be achieved through the combined effects of it two outputs; Output 2.1: Improved capacities of caregivers, and Output 2.2: Increased awareness, at community level, on elderly rights and healthy aging
  • Outcome 3 “Improved social inclusion and participation of elderly people”. This outcome focuses on boosting elderly people social inclusion and participation in society by providing retired elderly people with the space and resources to participate in intergenerational transfer of knowledge and skills through promoting “expertise forum” model. This outcome has one key Output; “Expertise forum model is articulated as avenue for elderly people to be included in and contribute to their communities”.

This Project is relevant to the context and well-aligned with the National Strategic Plan for the Elderly for the years 2021-2026. The project will add value to the ongoing endeavors by Juzoor and other actors to operationalize this plan and apply it on the ground to serve the elderly, to protect them and to respond to their social and economic needs in all circumstances. The project also well-aligned with Juzoor Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 (extended for 2023), and the elderly people needs. The project also well-aligned with third sustainable development goal (SDG #3): “To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”

enlightenedTarget Group :

500 elderly women & 500 elderly Men , 250  family members , caregivers.

Additionally, the project will, indirectly, benefit all elderly people in Palestine through raising public awareness on their rights and social inclusion and through influencing national policies and procedures for their benefit