Empowering Women in Marginalized East Jerusalem Communities
The project is a two year project funded by the US Consulate with the goal of empowering marginalized women to participate and develop leadership in the economic, social, and community life of East Jerusalem.
This project intends to bring about long-lasting changes by using a mixture of well-tested and innovative activities to promote women’s empowerment.
Juzoor recognizes that women’s empowerment is comprised of:
- Women's sense of self-worth
- Their right to have and to determine choices
- Right to have access to opportunities and resources;
- Right to have the power to control their own lives, within and outside the home.
- Their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order.
Juzoor proposes a unique set of inter-related activities that were designed together with local stakeholders to achieve the desired objectives.
- A baseline assessment that will shed light on women’s social situation in representative sample of Jerusalem communities as well as their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors on gender equality will be conducted. Assessment tools may include quantitative survey; in-depth interviews with CBO and community leaders on their understanding of empowerment; and focus group discussions to gauge women’s self-perceived capacity building needs and their hopes for their future roles.
- Establishment of Local Project Steering Committees in each of the 6 targeted locations to support project implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
Project Objectives:
- Objective 1: Enable 120 women to gain skills, confidence, and means to become strong leaders in their communities.
- Objective 2: Strengthen the capacity of 12 community based organizations (CBOs), including women’s associations, to foster women’s leadership.
- Select and train 120 Women Leaders.
- Support to 6 community-level women’s empowerment initiatives
- Support 12 CBOs to use digital community communication resources to promote women
- deliver 3 days technical centralized training to 12 CBOs on women leadership, 2 participants from each CBO
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