Protection of Palestinian Adolescents from Violence, Abuse, and Harassment
With funding from the US Consulate, this one-year polut project aims to enhance the protection of adolescents from violence. The project targets adolescents that are vulnerable to adverse experiences (cyberbullying/violence, sexual harassment and assault) that may lead to distress and suicidal behaviour.
Its objectives are to (1) roll out a school-based suicide prevention program (2) protect adolescents from adverse experiences and risks (cyberbullying, cyber violence, sexual harassment and assault) that may lead to psychosocial distress and suicidal behaviour.
It will do so through three inter-related results:
- Result 1: Capacities of 180 teachers and counsellors, parents and adolescents on prevention and identification of suicide cases are enhanced.
- Result 2: An application on sexual harassment/abuse protection and prevention is piloted.
- Result 3: Awareness of the importance of cyber-safety among adolescents in Palestine is raised
- Result 4: A research report and policy brief on adolescent suicide and its implications for interventions.
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Toward Suicide Prevention Policy Brief

Adolescents Suicide prevention brochure
بروشور مشروع حماية المراهقين الفلسطينيين من العنف والتحرش

Suicide Prevention Manual for Adolescents
دليل ارشادي لمقدمي الخدمات من مرشدين ومعلمين من داخل المدارس، بالاضافة الى الأهل من اجل سلامة اليافعين واليافعات من السلوكيات الخطرة وايذاء الذات في البيئة التي يعيشون فيها سواء في اطار المدرسة او الاسرة.