Juzoor for Health and Social Development urgently raises the alarm on
the catastrophic malnutrition crisis and looming risk of famine in Gaza
The current death toll due to the forced starvation and dehydration in the Gaza Strip has risen to at least 30, marking this as one of the worst man-made catastrophes in modern history.
The unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza is beyond the imaginable level of suffering and mortality that a human mind can bear. For more than 160 days, the people of Gaza have been pushed into starvation and malnutrition at a faster rate than the world has ever seen. Now, those left alive in Gaza are facing a slow, unbearable death, and it is only a matter of time before this becomes irreversible.
Unfortunately, children are famine's first victims and already make up the majority of those killed due to malnutrition. According to many sources and confirmed by Juzoor, 1 in 3 children under 2 are acutely malnourished in the North. Unfortunately, risk of famine is now not imminent, as was previously reported and feared, but likely already underway, especially in the North.
Juzoor has headed a nutrition screening campaign in North Gaza since January 13, which aims to identify and detect instances of wasting and malnutrition among children and facilitate immediate interventions.
Our emergency immunization team in Gaza, previously trained on taking children’s mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) measurements, has been in charge of this campaign and has reported devastating outcomes of starvation and malnutrition among children in the North, noting a twofold increase in cases from January to February alone.
Juzoor’s findings reveal that ... Read Article >>